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Scientists for Future

Under the motto "Fridays for Future" jung people all around the world campaign for a more vigorous fight against climate change. Likewise, in many German towns pupils and students came out on strike every Friday in order to publicly call attention to their cause.

We at CliPS think that this commitment is admirable und we are delighted to see that numerous scientists have meanwhile gathered under the name of "Scientists for Future" in order to support the pupils and students with scientific arguments. Our own professional discipline - clinical research - is home to countless scientists, many of whom have surely already contemplated the topic of climate change. We would like to ask all our colleagues to catch up on "Fridays for Future" and "Scientists for Future". If you speak German, please watch the video "Aufruf an die Politik" (call on politicians).

We have decided to sign the statment issued by "Scientists for Future" and we would be glad if as many colleagues from our branch of industry as possible could do the same.